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Blaire Bordeaux

Paranormal Romance Author

Hey. I'm Blaire Bordeaux, a Paranormal Romance Author located in England, UK.

Apart from all things bookish, I love: 
-Yorkshire Tea 
-My baby girl & our two staffordshire bull terriers  
-Reading daily Gemini reports 
-Learning about the Enneagram (I'm type 4w5)

Currently Writing:
Daughter of a Demon Prince, Book One

Currently Reading:
Restless Stars, Zodiac Academy Book Nine

About Me

I'll start by saying I am even worse at writing about myself than I am writing blurbs. And blurbs are just... ugh. So I've read a lot of author intro's where they break the ice by talking about something cool like their love of coffee. I'm more a Yorkshire tea girly myself. It’s not that I don’t like coffee. I friggin love it. It’s just, drinking too much of it kinda makes me feel like the world is on the brink of ending. Like an anxiety induced Armageddon. 

Alas, I had to quit the caffeine. 

My happy place is escaping into high fantasy, paranormal and urban fantasy worlds with exciting and interesting characters. My bookshelf is my favorite corner in my house. Like a trophy cabinet displaying all the pretties that I’ve collected over the years. 

These days, I love to write too. Adult paranormal romance is where my heart lies. This October, I will be releasing my debut, and you guys, it's so scary yet super exciting at the same time. 

Social Media

You can find Blaire Bordeaux on the below social media platforms

Link to Blaire Bordeaux's reader group on facebook, Lair of Blaire
Link to Blaire Bordeaux Books tiktok
Link to Blaire Bordeaux's bookstagram
Link to Blaire Bordeaux's pinterest page
Link to Blaire Bordeaux's spotify playlist for the Daughter of a Demon Prince series
Send Blaire Bordeaux an email
Link to Blaire Bordeaux's Goodreads profile
Blaire Bordeaux's tag line Books with Bites
Events Calendar
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